In May of 2011, Governor Rick Perry signed into law a new Bill stating that women seeking an abortion must, first, endure a guilt trip. By this, I mean the women must be given a sonogram with audible heartbeat along with a thorough explanation of the fetus given by the doctor and topped off with a 24 hour delay in order to give each patient a chance to change their mind. This law is already seeing its first lawsuit according to an article from the Tx Capitol Report. This article is important because it shows an intrusive government action on individuals freedoms. To read the article in full, click here. The Center for Reproductive Rights is taking a stand on behalf of the doctors, their clinics, and their patients claiming violations of the 1st Amendment rights, as well as, jeopardizing the doctor - patient relationship. Nancy Northup, president of Center for Reproductive Rights, makes a good point by quoting,
"When you go to the doctor, you expect to be given information that is relevant to your particular medical decisions and circumstances, not to be held hostage and subjected to an anti-choice agenda.”
Since abortion is considered an elective surgery, it is clear that women are not considering this procedure just to be talked out of it. It's like someone electing to have plastic surgery and as the doctor explains the procedure to you, he/she also shows you photos of Joan Rivers or Mickey Rourke as a way for you to opt out of the procedure. Crude example, I know. However, it still applies to the same principles of using propaganda to psychologically coerce the patient into changing their motives. Speaking from speculation, I am sure that most women have already struggled with their decision prior to going to the clinic in the first place.
This law is scheduled to go into effect on September 1, 2011. I stand opposed to this law as few studies have determined little scientific proof that this will do anything at all. So, if studies show that this law will not make any difference, why oppose it? I believe it will become a stepping stone towards newer and more infringing laws against a woman's right to choose this procedure. I feel this is an obnoxious act that our Texas government is requiring our doctors to do, not to mention, the manipulation intended for the patient. I think a better solution to this sensitive issue could be attained that would involve an unmolested approach on the individual's personal rights.
Texas Capitol Report Texas Sonogram Bill Lawsuit, Zahira Torres June 13, 2011 web July 6, 2011
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