Thursday, July 14, 2011

Clean Air VS. Texas Economy

Posted by William Gee

Since the EPA started issuing higher air-quality standards, Texas' Rick Perry has been stalling in an effort to protect the mega business' from having to comply. Texas is known for oil and gas and all refining industries that go with it, which is why we are the worst polluting state. In an article written by Brian W. Shaw, EPA's cross-state rule will hurt Texas economy, from the San Antonio Express News, it only took me two paragraphs to decide to disagree with Mr. Shaw. In his article, he expresses that the EPA failed to give proper notice and comment on the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule. He implies this rule may jeopardize the Texas economy in many ways and that the EPA's rules are not intended to produce clean air, but rather force industries into paying excessive costs.

In an effort to understand Mr. Shaw, I realize the costs these huge firms must spend in order to reduce their carbon or sulfur emission output. However, I feel his blame is being misplaced. Our governor, Rick Perry, has been tangled in lawsuits with the EPA over compliance issues since February 2010, in which he has continuously protested. The interstate air regulations are not rules that were just dreamed up. This regulation is replacing the old CAIR regulation from 2005. This is not anything new to these huge polluters(campaign contributors) that Gov. Perry is protecting. In fact, a few of the largest firms in Texas such as, Exxon-Mobile and Conoco/Phillips have already started complying to the regulations, despite Rick Perry's stubborness, in an effort to reduce their pollutants from reaching other states. Perhaps these regulations will hurt some industries temporarily, but I hardly believe this issue will place them in any dire consequences. Mr. Shaw states that the EPA's rules are control schemes and mentions extreme ozone limits and "global warming." Notice in the original article how Mr. Shaw wrote global warming in quotatations. It's almost as if he thinks this is a made up scientific phenomenon. I urge you to read this article and by the way.... Mr. Shaw is the chairman of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality!  

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