Sunday, July 17, 2011

WWPD? What Would Perry Do?

Posted by William Gee

Governor Perry has "got the fever!" The fever for JeeeZus! Yes, it seems the Texas Miracle is going to his head. As the Governor has been testing the waters for a possible Presidential bid, he has called for a Day of Prayer event as a stage to strengthen the faith of the American public. It looks like he's putting the "fun" back into fundamentalist. Can I get another Amen! OK, all joking aside, I was raised a Christian and I'm not one to put down a person's faith, but this is a cynical use of politics. In fact, it kinda pisses me off.  If I wanted religious authority running government, I would move back to Utah. No offense to the Latter Day Saints. In case you haven't heard the latest,watch the video below and decide for yourself if this is an appropriate action for a member of our government.  

Gov. Perry's Invitation to The Response from The Response USA on Vimeo.

What happened to Separation of Church and State? To see an entertaining blog, check out In The Pink's, Livin' On a Prayer.  This blog article describes the sudden transition from Rick Perry's modest Methodist faith, into an evangelical prophet. It is a witty and humorous description of the Governor's "born again" type politics.  Even though this blog is intended for the left-leaning, the Perry supporters could appreciate the overall tone of this article. In fact, it would appear that the entire blog is an anti-Perry campaign and somewhat opinionated more than factual. The award winning Austin blogger, Eilleen Smith, may even convince a few to reevaluate why they support him at all.  I think the inclusion of the Methodist Church's philosophy, of how it separates its influence from the government institutions puts a perspective on how Perry's antics will not win him much support.  Good for the Methodists for not pushing their moral agendas onto government.  Anyway, read the article, decide for yourself, and don't drink the KoolAid at the Reliant Stadium.  I think I'll agree with the article's overall message....Sell your bull&#$@ someplace else, 'cause we're all stocked up here!

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